This render is one that has been on my mind for a while, and turned out to be one the easiest renders. This is based on a bar I went to in Amsterdam, this room in the basement has a bath in the middle, the light from above shining through is actually coming from a room above, the floor of the room is simply a metal grate and you can see down into the room with the bath. The room above is the restroom, with this being one of the more fetish based men's bars in Amsterdam, it doesn't take much to guess the intention of this set up. Though I did not enter the room myself at the time (For fear of getting "Wet" as it were...) I did see the room from the door, and the light shining down from the red spotlights above on to the bath always stuck in my head. I wanted to go back and photograph the space, constructing it and photographing it in blender has allowed me to do that, however, despite in general being one of the quicker and easier renders, the lighting did give me some difficulty. Without thinking, I initially lit the scene with one large light source from above and added in some fog, but of course, this made the light very soft, filling the space, and the shafts of light did not appear. I tried a few different settings on the lights without results, until I sat back and began to think about the light as if I was in the studio for real. It was at this point I realised that this was not an issue with settings or the software, but that I needed to change the size and direction of my lights in order to create light shafts with a harder, more directional light.
