The start of Final Major Project!
In this fist meeting with my tutor for this module, Wendy McMurdo, we discussed some basic ideas of what my project might be and where it could take me over the following months. We talked about my previous work witch encompassed a range of themes mostly centred around male sexuality with other men.
My previous work had been very landscape based, and Wendy was keen for this not to be left behind or forgotten as it clearly had an important role to play in this work, both in its dark aesthetics and uncanny atmosphere that relate to the "Darkroom" spaces I had begun to explore in the previous module, and also because of its reflective nature for myself and my photography. For me, these images are where this project started and I was glad of the encouragement to keep expanding upon them, especially where Wendy commented that there could, and probably will be, multiple facets to the project, so there was potential for them to be displayed alongside other works.
The first thing to focus on of course would be the project proposal, which would outline a plan to how to tackle this projects from this point on wards, some good advice from Wendy however, was not to worry too much should the project change after the proposal, many projects change and evolve over time, its natural. At this point, although I am sure many others have said this before me, I really don't think I am going to stray to far away from my main themes as they are pretty much all I have explored for the past several years, but who knows.