These are the first two interviews I have conducted for this project. In these videos we have spoken openly and candidly about are experiences with darkrooms, and the conversation in both videos opens up to other issues, including the wider LGBT scene, attitudes towards taboo sexual activities, promiscuity and gender politics.
In general I found these to be very positive. They opened up many areas for potential exploration, and expansion off the project beyond this MA. I feel these videos will really help to communicate the feelings of the individuals who use the spaces I am visualising in my 3D rendering work.
The talks were conducted via facebook due to the Corona Virus pandemic, and this has let to a couple of issues. The video quality is not of a great standard, however I don't feel this hurts the project too much, as it gives an honest, almost vernacular feel to the videos. The real problem of these videos is the sound quality. Where I was able to use a good webcam and microphone, the Andy and Jeremy here only had there phones and tablets, and even if they had good ones, that sound was still being transmitted via a phone signal, which degraded thew quality by the time it got to me. I may need to rerecord these talks, but I do worry that re-recordings would detract from the honest nature of the talk.