After discussing my previous photograph with my peers and tutor during a seminar, I came returned to the bridge with the purpose of giving the viewer some concept of scale, whilst also creating a more dramatic but clear image. This time I have cropped to my usual square format (though after further discussions I may decide to refrain from square format in the future), and I have placed a figure (myself) on the bridge. As always the figure is ghostly, an Inspiration I have taken from Dear Esther, the 2010 video game by The Chinese Room.During the game similar vague apparitions appear throughout the landscape, sometimes only for mere seconds, though usually far away and very subtle. On an initial play through the player may not even be sure if they really did see them (Unless the look it up online) and this adds to the tension and sense of being watched present throughout the games events.Below is an example of one of the more blatant "ghosts", though this particular does not show up in every play through of the game, leading players to question what they saw when on another play through they do not see the same again.

I am happy that my own "Ghost" is subtle enough that it does not draw the eye immediately to it, that in fact a person may spend time viewing this image and not notice the figure, only for it to appear to them suddenly and cause them to question why they did not see it before. The photograph as a whole seems clearer and simpler in its composition and technique, and I think it is a marked improvement on the original.
The Chinese Room. 2012. Dear Esther, Digital Download, Windows 10.