In my meeting this week I showed Wendy the interviews I had completed already and mentioned that I had at least 2 more booked in. I was worried about not having enough interviews or responses to the questionnaire, but Wendy reassured me that given the nature of the questionnaire I had in fact had a good response. In reference to the videos, while generaly happy, Wendy picked up that the sound quality was not the best. Although we discussed about how this would be difficult to rectify given the circumstances of the pandemic, she also mentioned that I should strive non the less to improve it, and gave advice on how I could ask the participants of interviews to use their phones to record, and advice them on where to put their microphone for the best quality sound.
Finally, she suggested that clips could be taken from the interviews to be played alongside the images. We talked about the potential for an exhibition after Covid, and the possibility of using a venue near me that I have access too, where the images could be displayed on screens. Given that it is a small space, Wendy was concerned that people may not be able to hear the audio clips, so we discussed the idea of using QR codes that could be scanned by people on their phones, and allow them to listen to the audio clips like a phone call.
