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Clients and Brief Research

Writer's picture: Dale Evans ARPS Ba(Hons)Dale Evans ARPS Ba(Hons)

I have decided to forgo the given live briefs during this module for my own live brief. While I know that these briefs were voluntary and non-assessed, I was worried about time constraints due to my work. However one of the reasons I wont have much time to work on a live brief is because one of my own has come in. I have been head hunted thanks to some of my work to create a series of images for the advertising campaign and website of a new businesses producing and selling men's underwear and swimwear. Specifically this company is LGBT centred with links to fetish in their designs and found that might work suited the style they wanted to move forward with. As such, I have decided that I will document this brief, how I approach and finish it, within this module

What does the company / charity do?

I will be producing photography for BLX, wich will be a new brand of clothing that we be sold as part of the range of clothing and menswear by Purple Rainbow T-shirts. Purple Rainbow Teshirts specialise in fashion and accessories specially aimed at the LGBT community, with a primary focus on 'Slogan Tee's'. BLX as a brand is focused towards mens underwear and swimwear, particularly at plus sized men. The brand takes its cue from the "Bear" subculture of LGBT culture, a subculture that revers and celebrates men with more masculine, larger and hairier bodies who in the past have not fit so well into mainstream gay culture. Purple Rainbow and BLX are based in Birmingham, wich has its own thriving gay scene.

What visual language are they using?

Darren (the owner of BLX) has spoken to me at length about the visual language of BLX and this is where my own style of photography fits in. Purple Rainbow Tee's website and branding follow a bright and saturated look, using their purple ID wherever possible, and their images are often high contrast and over-saturated to bring out as many colours as possible. Darren see's BLX moving in a very different direction, while still keeping with a colourful look, the overall theme is too be more dark and grungy, with elements of industrialism mixed with fetish in order to push the more masculine tone of the fashion line.

How are they using visuals?

These images are to be used with the launch of the new brand, not just to show of the product but to give consumers a clear idea of what the new brand is about. Because of this, these images will be used in a number of different applications, both in print and online.

Are they using text?

Due to the varied nature of the use of these images, it can be assumed that they will be using text with the images at some point. It has already been mentioned that some of this work will be used for magazine advertisements, I will have to take this into consideration when planning my shots and competitions.

Are there any keywords that keep appearing?

Masculine, fetish, Industrial.

What photographers have they worked with in the past?

For much of the past Darren has produced the photography himself, though on occasion he has worked with other photographers and hired studios. This is the first time he is working with a photographer in their own studio and is keen to do so.

What have those photographers created for this client?

Previous work created by other photographers for Purple Rainbow Tee's included the product photography for the website and their catalogue. Much of this is in a very different style to what we want to achieve with the BLX shoot.

Where do the client’s campaigns appear?

They have magazine campaigns planned in for a particular group of glossy monthly magazines aimed at gay men and clubbing culture. They will also be launching a social media campaign.


What different research methods exist?

Research can take many forms, many of witch can be positioned into one of two umbrella categories: Primary and Secondary. Primary research, being data that has been gathered and correlated by ones self. For example, if I were to go out into the streets with a questionnaire and then correlate the answers I got into my own data set, that would be primary research,. Secondary research, is the analysis of primary research that has been undertaken by someone else. When I go online and read a research paper in a journal, and then put together my data set, that is secondary research. There are also many of forms of research, qualitative, quantitative etc, these all fit into the above categories, and they also may or may not apply to any given study or discipline.

Throughout my MA, much of my research has taken the form of online searches due to the nature of the work and home life. Some may see this as a great disadvantage, I don't agree. The internet is a vast wealth of knowledge, and yes, much of it is unreliable, or even totally fabricated, but the trick to be aware of this and even use it to your advantage by asking questions such as "If this research if biased, or even fabricated, why is that, why have the creators done this?". Taking the time to really research deep not just the subject, but the researchers themselves.

Youtube is one of my favourite places to start research for multiple reasons. Regarding artist research, I find that watching reviews and analysis give me a new perspective on the artist, or artwork, and can often lead me to research or studies regarding or related to the artist that I may not have found on my own. In regards to modern artists, i may even find videos of the artist talking about their work, which for me can be the most helpful of all. For example, in previous modules I have used Youtube as a source of research into the making of video games, and for interviews with artists such as Robert Maplethorpe.

How could you utilise other research methods to inform your current project?

Moving forward, I could definitely expand my research by engaging in some primary research. Correspondence with other artists working in the same area as myself, or perhaps interviews and correspondence with people who have experienced the phenomenons I have described, such as the Call of the Void, or men who frequent Dark Rooms. This research could give me new perspectives on the themes I am trying to cover and communicate to my audience.


© 2018 Dale Poole

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